手工皂制作工坊-儿童班 | Melt and Pour Soap Workshop for kids

手工皂制作工坊-儿童班 | Melt and Pour Soap Workshop for kids


Melt and Pour 皂操作简单,是适合儿童的创意课程,旨在引导孩子们亲手制作自己的手工皂。在这个工坊中,孩子们将学习有关皂制过程、材料的基本操作,并通过参与实践来制作独特的皂品。

Melt and Pour 皂工坊适合6岁至12岁的孩子。他们具备手部协调能力和注意力,对创造和探索充满兴趣。工坊满足好奇心,培养创造力和团队合作能力。




🍀欢迎加入我们的Melt and Pour Soap Workshop for kids!随着我们与不同地点的各个工作室合作,您可以随时了解到我们的每月日程安排。想要了解更多信息,请给我们发送私信。



工坊的Instagram / Facebook页面:yunworkshop


Melt and Pour Soap Workshop is a creative course suitable for children, aiming to guide them in making their own handmade soaps. In this workshop, children will learn the basics of soap-making process, handling materials, and actively participate in creating unique soap products.

The Melt and Pour Soap Workshop is designed for children aged 6 to 12. They have the necessary hand coordination and attention to engage in creative activities and exploration. The workshop fosters curiosity, nurtures creativity, and encourages teamwork.

The workshop provides an interactive and enjoyable learning environment where children can unleash their creativity by choosing their preferred colors, scents, and shapes to customize their soap products. They will learn how to mix and pour the soap base, add colorants and fragrances, as well as create beautiful patterns and designs.

The handmade soap workshop offers children a fun and meaningful learning experience, allowing them to enjoy the pleasure of creation while acquiring practical soap-making skills.

We welcome all children who are interested in handmade soap making to join our Melt and Pour Soap Workshop for Kids! Parents can message us for more information and booking details.

🍀Join our Kids Soap (Melt and Pour) workshop! Stay updated with our monthly schedule as we collaborate with various studios in different locations. Send us a private message for more information.

💡We also welcome workshop collaborations!

Follow our instagram for latest workshop schedule update !

Instagram / FB page for workshop : yunworkshop